Company Profile / 公司简介
Zhenhe Technology focuses on the research and development of short-range wireless communication in the field of consumer electronics. We provide stable, reliable and cost-effective solutions to our customers. We also actively explore new market segments such as Bluetooth, TWS, and Internet of Things.
振河科技始终专注于短距离无线通信技术的研发, 聚焦于消费电子领域, 为终端生产厂商提供技术领先/稳定可靠/性价比高的一站式整体解决方案, 经过多年发展,积累了深厚的底层技术功底和丰富的应用开发经验! 在新的市场机遇和挑战面前,积极开拓新的细分市场, 目前积极开发蓝牙音频 TWS/智能输入设备/智能家居/物联网等细分市场。